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Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Stockroom

Check it out ..... some of my Mandated properties. See anything you like? Let me know, call, email, all my details are on this blog or go to the following sites:

1. www.realpro4u.co.za
2. www.krugersdorprealestate.co.za
3. www.roodepoortrealestate.co.za

.... have a ball .... and if you are looking for property and you can't find what you are looking for, le me know, maybe I can help.

Q and A: Sellers

Post your questions to my Facbook profile or inbox me there (Link below) or email your questions to marnus@realpro4u.co.za and I will give you some feedback and possibly answer them for you right here on my blog.

My Facebook Profile

Q and A: Buyers

Post your questions to my Facbook profile or inbox me there (Link below) or email your questions to marnus@realpro4u.co.za and I will give you some feedback and possibly answer them for you right here on my blog.

My Facebook Profile

Friday, October 14, 2011

Stock in a Multi Listing Environment

Being part of a Multi Listing group of agencies we share our listings on a system with many agents where they can see the specifications of our stock and make appointments to take buyers through. Commission on successful transaction is then shared between Selling and Listing Agency.

The system works well and has a huge advantage for Sellers as it increases the exposure of the listed property to the buying market and agents selling in the area. The system works even better for those properties that are listed at the correct prices! The over priced become stale while all the other are moved from Listed to Sold.

In a market where the stock is limited and qualified buyers are few, the listing price of a property has an even bigger impact as ever before. With all the multi listing agents trying to find properties for their buyers you will be much better off making sure your placed is priced in accordance to the competing stock in the specific area ....... your agent should advise you on resent sales prices and not marketing prices, if not, get another agent.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

QR Codes for the Real Estate Business

Some of you might have seen these funny looking blocks in some magazines and they are starting to be used more and more.

This funny looking block contains information, sometimes just a website URL (address) or maybe even text message or a link to a video clip etc and needs to be scanned with a Smartphone and then used. Many companies use this for advertising and this has real value for us as agents as this will probably one day replace the business card as we know it today.

BlackBerry has used this technology to great success with the BlackBerry Messenger application but the BBM application only works on BBM Pin number codes from one BBM contact to a next. My BBM code ...

With one quick scan, clients can now scan my QR Code and save all my contact details directly as a new contact on there phone. These QR codes can be added to ads and boards where information about property can be given.

I am a BlackBerry user so I played around a bit and got to a good application called BeeTagg that allows me to do just that. This is a free Application but you need to find what application works the best for you. I specifically looked for something where I can scan and then save as a contact and this one works fine.

Look out for my QR Code and other codes on my ads where is will be parting with property related info to my current and prospective clients.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Exposure is everything .....

Dear Client, present, past or future ….
At some time or another you will want / need to BUY or SELL property or maybe you know someone who is in the market for BUYING or SELLING at the moment. Well, this email is merely an introduction to ME (Marnus) and my Agency (RealPro) and to let you know what we are up to lately. On the marketing side of the business we are always looking for new and innovative ways to assist our Sellers with more exposure and to attract more Buyers to our stock. One way of doing this is to widen the marketing we do through the internet and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Blogging ……. “Sticking with the times” as they say.
I believe that the wider our footprint, the better for our business.
We have recently increased our web presence by adding two new local websites to the list which already includes the likes of http://www.realpro4u.co.za/, http://www.property24.co.za/, http://www.myproperty.co.za/, http://www.propertygenie.co.za/ and http://www.iolproperty.co.za/ to mention only a few. We have decided to go local with the two new sites being http://www.krugersdorprealestate.co.za/ and http://www.roodepoortrealestate.co.za/ and we will also be advertising these sites locally to the communities of Krugersdorp and Roodepoort.
We have also recently added some useful calculators and documentation for assisting with cost calculations to our website, please have a look at http://www.realpro4u.co.za/
You can also “follow” / “Like” us on facebook and twitter by clicking on the following links:
Me (Marnus)
Krugersdorp Real Estate
Roodepoort Real Estate
Thank you for taking the time to read this mail, please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries with regard to the above.
Marnus – Your Agent
Monday, May 23, 2011

Municipal Elections and Real Estate

Seeing that the municipal elections just finished, I though of how this can assist, or not, in the whole Real Estate, buying and selling cycle. Being an agent I have to listen to buyers making all sorts of excuses for not buying because of weird and wonderful reasons but most of the important ones are concerns regarding safety and services delivery in the area, complex and or estate. It doesn’t help taking a prospective buyer into an area where the refuse hasn’t been removed for weeks and the municipal grounds or parks are littered with rubble and it looks like a dump site. On the way to the property you have to negotiate the potholes and hope that you don’t have to help your client change a tyre or worse.

I think people in general vote for change. They are unhappy with the way their tax Rands are being spent and they believe that another party might be the solution or at least assist to achieve more than the previous bunch. I’m not big into politics but I am big into finding properties for buyers and I would like to know that they are happy in their new home and neighbourhood …..

The math is simple, good area = higher value, bad area = lower value, and if you buy in a “GOOD AREA” and the municipality goes from good to bad, your prime property will loose value. Selling will only be an option if you are prepared to settle for less as in the current real estate market, property values take there time to increase so buying in the right area is very important. Making sure that the area where you stay is run and maintained properly by whoever is involved is just as important if you ever want to sell.

Oh well, the elections are over and all we can do now is to make sure that the work is done and the services are delivered. We should be involved as it is our money being used to clean up and maintain the streets where we want to be safe and happy.

……. Just a thought!