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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Online Property Marketing - 8 Tips

Article from http://www.immovableproperty.co.za/

It is trite knowledge that more owners, real estate agents and advertisers are opting for online ads over the traditional print media classifieds. The reasons for this are legion and include: ease of publishing online, lower costs and knowing there is a large audience looking for a property right at this very moment. 
To get the most out of your online advertising efforts try these 8 pointers to help you create better ads and generate more leads:-

# 1 - The Title of your Ad

The title is often the first thing users will see. Make the right impression by having a snappy title that conveys your essential message - it could mean the difference between someone perusing your ad or moving on something else!

So what should you be putting in your title? Our view is that you should aim to put the most important and relevant information into this space and be to the point. We favour the following formula: Type of Property coupled with a description and information about the geographic area of the property e.g. " Stunning 4 bedroom house on Vaal River ".

Some advertisers prefer advertisements such as: "Cosy little house" or perhaps "Cute as a Button – don’t miss this". Whilst this approach works too, it to some extent ignores how search engines work and will probably limit the size of your potential audience. Keep in mind that Google, Yahoo and Bing not only ranks the property portal that you are listing, on it will also rank your individual listing separately within the search results on the engine. So if you want to catch the eyes of Google users who are looking for a property for sale in the Vaal River (our example) you stand a much better chance with "Stunning 4 bedroom house on Vaal River" than with "Gorgeous little place for the Family".  

# 2 - Choose the right category

Most property websites allow users to choose a category for the placement of an ad. By making sure that you have picked the correct city, and sub-category you are giving consumers relevant and targeted information. After all someone looking for a house in the Vaal Area, to use our example, will not find your listing if it is incorrectly categorised and placed in the wrong section such as the "Business for Sale" section for Cape Town properties. 

# 3 - Complete the forms appropriately

If the website makes use of any forms - take the time to list the information properly. For instance if the form asks for "Erf Size" enter the total size of the block in square meters and not the size of the building. There is a difference and consumers want to know about it.

Accuracy creates trust. Consumers typically avoid dealing with people who advertise in a misleading and incorrect fashion because then they have to tease the information out and that is always frustrating.

# 4 - The Description

This is your chance to really shine and display your wares. Consumers are driven by aesthetic beauty. Make your advertisement look great and if you need some help look at this beautiful property ad in Durban for an example of something truly eye-catching.

Be sure to include all the essential features as they relate to the outside and inside of the property. Some users are also going to be interested in financials such as water rates and taxes.

Do your best to strike a balance between providing useful information and not going over-board. Keep in mind that most people scan for information so use lots of headings and bullet points to make your information easy on the eye - just like we have!

# 5 - Use the Map Location

Lots of users look for listings by map location so if you don't have a map marker for your property it simply won't show up in the searches in which case you are missing out on traffic.

# 6 - Double Check your contact details

If you're going to go to all the trouble of creating a listing make sure you have entered the correct contact details for online enquiries. If you don't, the enquiries won’t end up on your desk. 

#7 - Photos and Youtube

Use the best photos you have available and if you don’t have any go out and snap some right away. Users almost universally love photos so do your best to capture the look and feel of the property as best you can.

If you have video footage upload it to Youtube. You can then insert a link to the video on your portal site later on.  

#8 - Face Book Like & Tweet Buttons

Once the listing is uploaded inspect it to make sure it displays properly and if not edit it in your user panel.

If you have a Facebook account or a Twitter account then promote your listing by way of a "Tweet" or "Facebook Like".

Facebook and Twitter you can dramatically improve the chances of your listing showing up higher on the search engines. To get even more bang for your buck send out an email asking your friends to “Like” your listings and to “Tweet” the info to their friends.